Alright, here's another site which dares to tell it like it is. Google places too much weight on the number of incoming links.
As explained before this gives old dinosaur sites launched back during the Korean War a really unfair advantage over newer, fresher, and better sites.
Click at the bottom of this post on "Online Business" for more.
Read this too
struth, click fraud is totally on the rise. About two years ago the ads were really effective, now they suck ass. I used to spend big bucks advertising via adwords, now not any more. And dont bother putting your ads on thier "content network" may as well flush your cash down the toilet.
Posted by: Chris | September 06, 2005 at 11:36 AM
Thanks for having the guts to link to us. We were thinking about petitioning to have Stockholm Syndrome changed to Googlolm Syndrome because everyone is so scared shitless to link to anything even remotely anti-Google.
Besides all that, we think (IOHO) you have nice level-headed but firm opinions and that makes us think there's hope for society. We're just getting back into it after summer so you'll probably hear back from us once in a while but don't be fooled; we're not selling anything.
Posted by: Darth Google Folks | November 06, 2005 at 09:56 AM