The iPhone is a big step forward for mobile marketing.
From Advertising Age:
Apple iPhone Device's Share Is Tiny, but Its Graphics, Apps Offer Brands Big Ad Possibilities
If some early returns from Land Rover and 20th Century Fox are to be believed, Apple's iPhone will raise the stakes for marketers that go mobile.
To be sure, the iPhone, with more than 1 million sold since its launch and working only on the AT&T network, holds a just fraction of the U.S.'s 250 million wireless subscribers. But results of iPhone-specific creative from both marketers indicate that the device's graphics and range of applications open up possibilities for marketers and their target audiences.
Land Rover, seeking new ways to reach its affluent target for the launch of its Range Rover Sport, ran a campaign on the iPhone that allowed consumers to quickly connect with the iPhone-exclusive Google Maps page providing directions to the nearest dealer or make a phone call there.
Market leader MyNumo is already leading the pack here:
We (at MyNuMo) believe that our iPhone games provide a superior channel to reach this demographic. We also have the capacity to quickly generate specific themed iPhone games and activities to meet the advertising needs of a brand looking to reach this desirable demographic.
Please feel free to contact MyNumo for additional information.
The Land Rover marketing is top shelf!
Posted by: iPhone Bargains | December 04, 2007 at 06:38 PM
I'm never sure if you are just making fun of the iPhone after the iBucket posts. Which is it?
Posted by: Kelly | December 04, 2007 at 08:52 PM
Yes, the iphone offers new opportunities. And if you have a product like a car, you can surely reach your target audience (as you wrote).
But how much per cent of the whole population are able to buy an iphone? Not very much.
Of course it's a step, but there are only a few products really "fitting". And for "ordinary" products it's more important to create marketing campaigns compatible to as many devices as possible.
Beyond the iphone hype this should not be forgotten...
Posted by: Julia | December 10, 2007 at 08:08 AM
Apple again put new product on the front pages in the newspapers.
Posted by: Maria | June 24, 2010 at 02:29 PM