Segway: the product that changed us forever.
"[The Segway] will be to the car what the car was to the horse and buggy." - inventor Dean Kamen
In The Know: Life Before The Segway
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How many dollars of venture capital did the Segway get?
Posted by: Robert | March 11, 2008 at 12:43 PM
Several hundred millions. Quite possible over half a billion.
Posted by: Redditang | March 11, 2008 at 01:05 PM
For the record, in urban areas you can't ride it legally on the sidewalks, nor can you use it in the street. When I first saw it I thought of it as kind of a baby boomer wheelchair (BB's are getting older and will need such mobility aides soon, but they will insist on something "cooler" than grandma's wheelchair), but I can't think of anyplace it would be practical. The mall, maybe? Walmart? Dunno. I assume it will cost much more than a standard wheelchair.
Posted by: Curtis | March 11, 2008 at 01:09 PM
Does anyone have the list of the cities redesigned to accommodate the Segway?
Posted by: Caprinardo Delirio | March 11, 2008 at 01:10 PM
Does the banning by San Francisco count?
There are a bunch of cities that are probably forever changed by the Segway in that they passed laws forbidding the use of small electrical vehicles such as Segways, electric bicycles, etc from being on the sidewalks.
Posted by: Redditang | March 11, 2008 at 01:18 PM
I remember a quote about how cities would be re-designed around the thing - was anyone anywhere actually expecting something like that to happen?
Posted by: Mitch | March 11, 2008 at 01:19 PM
Heck, they haven't even redesigned cities to handle cars efficiently -- what made anyone think the Segway was going to force changes that tens of millions of drivers couldn't?
Posted by: Caprinardo Delirio | March 11, 2008 at 01:21 PM
another over-priced solution looking for a problem.
hey folks, walking is very very good for you!
better still is a bike - go for it - live longer - have a better sex life bla bla bla etc.
Posted by: Katy | March 11, 2008 at 01:25 PM
Hi, it be nice if you made your RSS feed longers (i.e. you did not truncate them).
Posted by: aisin | March 12, 2008 at 09:02 AM
You don't see many Segways in the Midwest. James Brausch would probably not call Segway users a large market.
Posted by: Angela Miller | March 14, 2008 at 11:05 AM