Who are the best marketers and who offers the best marketing courses?
Back in mid 2007, I decided that it was time to revamp my marketing tool kit. This led to a two year review of educational materials for both online and offline marketing. I ended up spending just under $21,000. ($20,945 to be exact.) Was it worth it? I would say yes in an overall sense. Sales for all of my businesses have increased anywhere from 15% up to 60% annually since 2007. Before that I was used to far more modest sales growth.
So without further ado, here are the ones I recommend the following.
Offline Marketing:
These are in no particular order.
Dan Kennedy
Sean D' Souza
Both of these gentlemen are superb at teaching you how to engage with your customer in such a way that they will actually hear you through all the noise and understand what it is that you are offering them. In today's marketplace where people are bombarded with marketing messages, this is paramount.
Jay Abraham
Jay's key strength is in helping those with huge customer lists organize joint venture type deals.
Both Dan and Jay have books you can start with before graduating to their big ticket courses. Sean has some economical under $100 products which deliver great value.
Designing and Implementing a Company Marketing Strategy
Chet Holmes is the king in this area. He also has books which you can begin with for a minimal investment.
Paul Lemberg is another highly recommended marketing guru who can teach you how to turbo charge your sales and marketing.
Online Information Marketing:
Once again, these are in no particular order.
Frank Kern
Eben Pagan (aka David D'Angelo)
Both of these marketing gurus teach you how to market information products. They're exact opposites in personality. Frank comes across as the guy you would meet if you called central casting and asked for a blonde-haired surfer dude type. Eben, on the other hand, is a very polished suit & tie type.
StomperNet also offers some very in depth courses on online marketing.
Product Marketing Resources:
If you sell tangible products either B2C or B2B, I can't recommend these two resources strongly enough. Both sell top rate marketing reports, which although pricey at first blush, offer tremendous value. If you prefer an academic approach over the guru one for learning marketing, check out these resources.
Marketing Sherpa
Marketing Profs
I bought a few popular marketing courses which turned out to be duds but won't name them here.
Just focus on the good stuff.
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